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IFPRI engages with policy makers and stakeholders and shares its research and data through partnerships, capacity strengthening, and a broad range of communications.

Compact 2025, IFPRI’s initiative to end hunger and undernutrition by 2025, hosted roundtable discussions with partners—including high-level government representatives—in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Malawi, and Rwanda to lay the groundwork for accelerating progress in each country. At the global level, the Compact 2025 Global Knowledge and Innovation Hub launched a resources webpage that hosts curated knowledge on ending hunger and undernutrition.

Partnerships are fundamental to IFPRI’s work, enhancing impact and advancing progress in meeting the Institute’s strategic goals. IFPRI continued to engage with global, regional, and country partners, and provided support to the IFPRI-led CGIAR Research Programs to strengthen the programs’ communities of partners.

Capacity strengthening is critical for informed policy decisions and implementation. IFPRI’s wide range of capacity-strengthening work in 2016 included training of policy makers and stakeholders, support to institutional development, and research collaboration.

IFPRI communicates the results of its rigorous, policy-relevant research through multiple channels to reach diverse groups of stakeholders and partners. Briefs, books, blogs, videos, and conferences, as well as numerous publications by IFPRI researchers in peer-reviewed journals, bring attention to critical issues and new evidence in food policy.

The array of knowledge products generated by IFPRI includes food security portals, economic models, databases, repositories, toolboxes, guides, and technical platforms to support best practices in food policy. Frequent use by researchers confirms the value of these products.

Assessment of the impact of IFPRI’s work is ongoing—2016 saw the publication of an impact study of IFPRI’s science, technology, and innovation policy research and the launch of an evaluation of IFPRI’s experience with country programs.